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"In life, the first act is always exciting but it is the second act -- that's where the depth comes in."

Thursday, July 24, 2003

TUNA NEWS -- JULY 24, 2003

Big Words from Little Minds
As the omnipotent power of Jee sank slowly in the west, the Three Stooges (Battered, Bruised and Humiliated) gathered in the dying sun.
"You must Avenge me!"
"This hit me in the heart!"
"They're messing with the wrong people!"
"Wow, that was a shocker!"
"I'm hungry."
"We are the only three good people in the house."
"Wanna play marbles?"

A Little Song and Dance
Nathan shakes, Robert Eats,
Dana has froggy slippers for her feets,
Davey sings "The Psycho Bitch has won!"

Justin lies, Ali cries,
Dana bugs her scary eyes,
Jack joins in "The Fun has just begun!"

Dana sprays some perfume
to "girly" up the room
then she uses Bitchtonite
to send two to their doom.

First her gut, then her brain,
Dana's going quite insane,
But she's got a Jun-bug in her ear.

Nate must go, Ali too,
I'll tell you just what to do.
We'll make the finals, never fear!

Cook the Crow Slowly for 7 days, and then serve
"I'm not going to walk on fucking eggshells because the group doesn't like it."
"I have no problem being blatantly honest."
"I don't plan on loving him [Robert]"
"I am going to put the fear of God in everyone in the house"
"That doesn't scare me. I can win competitions. I can win veto."
"I am not here to do anyone else's work for them.

Trading Spaces
The HG discuss what is in their houses and kitchen cupboards.
Jun doesn't watch TV in bed. Says its unhealthy.
Davehas a TV in his bedroom. Says it is the only comfy place to watch.
Jun has serving items for 16. She is into retro - glass and black steel, but she has Martha Stuart curtains and linens.
Dave almost bought pet beds for sleeping, because he was so broke. His coffee table used to be boxes. Dave claims the decor says it's either a guy's place...or a hobo's.
Erika says that Dave has car parts in his kitchen cupboards. Dave explains he had more cupboards than food, so what else was he going to put in there?

Would You?
Ali would pose topless for Playboy. She would never take off her bottoms. Her price? $300,000
Nate would never pose nude, even for $10 million.
Ali says her parents (!!!!????) said she should buy a car with her Playboy money.

Political Convictions
Ali is a republican. Her family "hates" democrats.
Robert is a republican. His family is "pro-business".
Ali is against the Democratic tax plan. Says the rich shouldn't have to give the money they earned to the poor.
Ali is against her having to pay for college because she has blond hair and blue eyes, while other minorities do not.

Food, Glorious Food

HG talking about food, the upcoming food competition, and sharing stories. Dave says in military they would receive care packages, and would have to eat the contents within two hours. Dave calls it a "bingefest" and says he once ate 12 hotdogs. Jack speculates upcoming food competition will be an obstacle course. Discussion of how they are not "morning people" and they are pretty clumsy. Later, the HG are horrified that Jack asked for PB when they were making their food wish-list for BB.

Great Jack Quote: "Eatin' and drinkin' is better than not eatin' and drinkin'

Words escape me
When asked if he was sleeping in HOH, Justin said "I don't know, but I'm sure I will be one night this week."

One Final Tidbit
The HG have renamed The Blue Room "Death Row"

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