TUNA NEWS -- JULY 9, 2004
All the latest overnight news that's fit to print.
Joker's Updates Stereotypes Do a Body Good Once the food arrived in the storage room, Cowboy asked Marvin if he wanted some watermelon for lunch tomorrow. Marvin replied, "C'mon now. I'm a black man. I can't be eating any watermelon on TV!" Hollyisms After gorging themselves silly on food, the hamsters realize that it has to last them the entire week. Panic ensues because there are only three more bottles of Diet Coke. Holly says, "Let's put the cap on really tight so we don't lose any!" Conspiracy Theory Scott doesn't believe anything about anyone. He can't understand why they introduced all these twists so early in the game. He thinks Mike is a mole and the producers want to keep him around. He also doesn't understand how two of the Hollywood girls (Holly and someone else) got the call only two weeks before the show started. Loose Lips Sink Twists Holly and Dew talk about Drew's brother Ben. Holly asks if his brother has a girlfriend, and Drew says yes, but she is in London. Someone stated on Joker's that they thought they heard "Drew" slip up call himself "Ben" at one point, but there wasn't any further confirmation of this... Exit, Stage Right Marvin is talking about quitting. He says it's not the food, he's just not "making ends meet." Later other HG discuss Marvin in the HT. Jase says their job is to "let him do it." Jase recounts going into the DR and telling BB they better have a psychologist ready, because he's sure Marvin is going to quit. With This Ring The boys are just not very happy that they got stuck in a house with a bunch of married women. Jase says he was asked in the DR if any of the girls are hot, and Jase replied, "What does it matter? They're all married anyway." Scott adds, "I said they all suck." Finally Some Strategy It appears that the girls are counting numbers and have decided they need to Pagong the boys. They aren't counting Holly as a girl (since nobody can stand her) and have put Will in her place in the girls alliance. They want Scott and Jase out first. Later, splinter groups of the same alliance pop up. Will and Lori foresee Nokomis, Holly, Diane, Marvin, and then Adria going first, and would like the final four to include Karen and Jase. Diane and Adria see the final four as Diane, Karen, Lori and Adria. They see Lori leaving first since she won the $10k, and Karen leaving second because she doesn't need the money. News from TV ClubHouse Bam! Lots of banter during last night's cooking segment. - Cowboy asks if they are auditioning for the sequel to "Big Mamma's House". - BB has to remind them that this is their food for the WHOLE WEEK, not one day. - Drew remarks, "I've never seen Marvin so quiet." - Marvin says, "You'll never find a more paranoid cook than me." - When asked what he's making gravy from, Marvin says, "All this shit." - Mike speaks (!) and tells Marvin, "If you're thinking of plate presentation, there are potato chips." Marvin protests and Mike says he's just kidding...that's what a non-cooking person would do. All Holly, All The Time "We should have like a funny banana game!" "Do we have any whipped cream like margarine, not margarine, but like Cool Whip?" "I'm weird. Like, my food situation is odd, real odd. Like when I was little and I had to eat meatloaf, I'd spit it out and put it under the table and it would collect. And people would be 'what's that smell?' And we didn't have a dog so... Final Words Michael comes out and farts, and then says, "There you go, America. Just don't ask me to dance." |
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