All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Monday, August 09, 2004


It's Monday with a vengeance here at Tuna central. Aside from the rampant streaking last night, did our intrepid hamsters have anything to say? Of course! They were boring...not dead.

Strike a Pose, There's Nothing To It...VOGUE
If it's a posing poseur, then it's Jase. See Jase graduate. See Jase go to Vegas as a graduation present. See Jase take lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures of himself. Pose Jase, Pose! Smile Jase, Smile! See Jase buy lots of tape. See Jase plaster his hotel room walls with pictures of himself. What Jase? What? See Jase have a party. Dance Jase, Dance! See Jase answer the door only to find the police. Spread-em Jase, Spread-em! See the cops think Jase is nuts for decorating his hotel room with his own pictures. See the party break up. Is Jase sad? No! He is still surrounding by a wallfull of his biggest admirers -- himself. Therapy Jase, Therapy!

Rosemary's Baby
Marvin says when Julie Chen announced there were 14 houseguests, he was sure that somebody was pregnant. Then Marvin says when Julie Chen announced that somebody had been playing with a twin, he was sure it was either Holly or Scott. Thank the lucky stars that Marvin was wrong on both accounts.

There's Desperate, and Then There's Desperate
Karen says she is an emotional person and desperate to bond with anything that reminds her of home. That, of course, explains the sock.

Add it to the Resume
In addition to being a doctor and a paramedic and an actor, Cowboy says that he'd also like to go to dance school. Later in the evening he pumps Jase for information about being a stunt guy.

Chicks on Paper
Cowboy and Jase talk women, so you know this will be good. Jase tells Cowboy they have both had "these stellar chicks on paper" but it wasn't the right time. GreenTuna ponders how you actually have "chicks on paper" and wonders if he might mean personal ads or some sort of SIMS dating game.

They Said It
Marvin: "Anybody else smell Cowboy's tear gas ass breath?"
Unidentified Female: "I don't want to see any more naked Cowboys."
Karen: "I feel bad for him (Cowboy) in a weird fart Gumby kind of way."

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