All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

House Calls -- August 5th

Cast of Characters
Marcellas, BB5
Some Radio Girl Gretchen (SRGG)
Guest: Lynette Rice, from Entertainment Weekly

Tonight is the Big Show!
Marcellas says he is interested to see how they will reveal the twist. He would like BB to sneak Natalie in the house. He says, “Have Adria outside on the hammock and Natalie in the shower.” SRGG says, “Yeah, like they’re losing their mind!” Lynette says she thinks it will be a front-door entrance. She says they could do it “organically” but I laugh, because all I can think of is free-range chickens and extra-expensive carrots. She means “organically” like sneak her in the house. SRGG goes on and on about double takes. She wants to see double takes! Then she says she wants Natalie to be hiding in the pantry. The Pantry? Do they have a pantry?? Maybe she means in the storage room, and I weep for the return of The Creeping Terror.

Time to Rag On Holly!
Marcellas, SRGG and Lynette say that Holly STILL doesn't get the twist. They say maybe Holly thinks she is still on the show. Marcellas goes on a tear about Holly’s mannequin. He says, "What’s her name? MAdam? MaDAM?" They hope to book both Holly and her Madam for a future show. I don’t think that last sentence turned out right. I’d like to see Holly’s mannequin equipped with some robotics so she and Marcellas could play Rock-em, Sock-em robots.

Calling Oprah
They crack on Nakomis wanting nothing to do with Cowboy outside of the House. SRGG says it took less than 40 days for him to ruin that relationship.

The Gay Mafia
Marcellas’ name for the GP (all the girls plus Will) is “The Gay Mafia”. I laugh every time he says it. He wonders about The Gay Mafia and Adria. Can Adria be trusted? Marcellas says she pushed so hard and cut so many deals, he doesn't know. He says, “First she was a power player, then she can’t be trusted, now it’s Oh-my-gosh, she’s crazy!”.

Guest Star Moment -- Coffee Talk
Lynette says it took her a couple weeks to “get into this show.” She liked BB2 and takes it on the nose when she says she liked BB3 the best. She thinks it took awhile for her to like this season because the boys were so dumb and dominant and the girls took a long time to get into power. She doesn't understand why the women were so slow to take control. It seems they were scared of the boys. Lynette says, “It’s not that difficult to get back at them, because their wit doesn't come from an intelligent place.”

Strategy of Girls vs. Boys
Taking the strategy ball and running, Marcellas says simply, “I think they’re punks. They don’t scare me. I ain't afraid of no Ghosts!” He suggests the girls should muss up their (the boys) hair, or take away their hair products. He says it would render them completely…. SRGG butts in and says, "Yeah! Why are WE the only people making fun of the boys??"

And What IS Up with the boys, anyway?
Marcellas gets on his high gay horse and has a field day. He says, “Roddy and I were there together. Roddy and I weren't taking baths together. And, let’s also talk about Cowboy going in drag pretending to go on a date with Scott. I didn't need to see that on the live feeds! It was like a traffic accident! You want to look away but you can’t look away. And I didn't want to see Cowboy's butt. There are a lot of butts I want to see, but I don’t want to see Cowboy’s butt…or Marvin’s butt.” Much butt talk ensues.

The Janet Factor
They wonder if CBS is purposefully showing less hanky and panky from the BB house. Marcellas says, “It’s probably the Janet Factor.” Lynette laments its absence.

Phone Call: Should women get HoH this week (or throw it)?
Marcellas outlines the “Six finger plan” of the Gay Mafia. One wins HoH, (1) then nominates 2 from the Gay Mafia (2 and 3). They each pick an ally from the Gay Mafia to compete for Veto (4-6). One of them wins veto, vetoes a nominee, and then they nominate Jase who can no longer save himself.

Phone Call: Will the twin twist reveal be one of the top moments in Reality TV?
Lynette says it is a high bar. She says at EW they all feel that Richard Hatch’s win on Survivor was the crowning moment in reality TV. She says she needs to wait and see how it plays out tonight, and that ultimately it comes down to the characters. She has loved the evicted houseguest's reactions during the Julie interviews. She says those have been great. Marcellas hopes the twin reveal will be the ultimate moment. He says, “I want Jase to flip out. I want anger. I want tears.” Then he remembers that he is Marcellas, and hops on his back-pedalling bicycle. “I don’t think this is the ultimate moment. I think the ultimate moment was ME at the golden veto.” Lynette points out that the success of a “top moment” needs to come spontaneously from the players, not scripted from the producers.

Phone Call: Do you think there is a possibility they would automatically hand a twin HoH?
They discuss protecting a twin from automatic eviction. SRGG says a twin twist would be a crowning moment if they were the last two. Lynette disagrees, saying that would be like Rob and Amber when they won. They just split the money and nobody cares.

Email: Does Jase have any chance to win after his “Kiss My Ass” speech in the veto ceremony?
Lynette says it doesn't matter, because everything that has come out of his mouth has been hateful since week one. They have a discussion about people who have behaved badly and still do well. Marcellas brings up Josh (BB3) and Will (BB2). SRGG asks, “Can a woman pull off the same tactic (I’m an asshole) as a man? Or does it just not work?” Discussion turns to Alison and Jun (BB4). Lynette says both were very hateful and not brilliant. She says, they weren't smart…they were just “beeyatches.” Lynette feels Danielle was a brilliant player. Marcellas DOES NOT like that at all. Lynette maintains that Danielle got a raw deal with the DR feeds being shown, and says you have to be diabolical and one step ahead.

What’s in a Name?
The discussion veers to the four horsemen. SRGG snorts, “The four horsemen picked their alliance because they liked the name.” She tells Lynette, "We call them 'The three horsemen and the Ottoman' because Cowboy isn't much of a playah." Marcellas adds, “Or the four horses’ ass. And Cowboy is the water boy."

Phone Call: Did Diane throw POV competition?
None of them think she threw it. Phone caller thinks there is a secret alliance with Diane and Jase. Marcellas and friends think Diane was stupid. Speaking of stupid, SRGG admits, “I could never be a HG because all these contests with all the rules are too confusing. After the first rule, I’d be all, ‘What???’”

Phone Call: Jase -- Brad Pitt -- Drew -- Will
Marcellas says that Will isn't as innocent and "good" as everybody thinks he is. He says, “You go in with good intentions if you’re a good person. But when you get into the house, you realize you may be a good person who has to do some bad things.” Marcellas explains that for Will, he realizes his alliance is weak, so he is making deals one-on-one. Marcellas says, “But Jase isn't the strongest player. I don’t think there are any really strong players this season. Jase is the luckiest player.”

Phone Call: Guys and taking baths together
Marcellas goes off on an ever living rant. It doesn't start out with “This one time…at band camp…” but it might as well. Marcellas says all indignantified, “I used to play tennis…” and starts babbling about tennis players and not showering together. Or something. I think his point is that even tennis players, the gayest of the gay (I’m inferring his point here) aren't anywhere near as gay as Cowboy and Scott. Marcellas gives a warning: Cowboy cannot get near me with those teeth!! Then Marcellas says, “I always wondered if “Do not assume” means do not assume players are straight." SRGG puts down her crack pipe and says, “Yeah. Do not assume that furniture cannot shape-shift and become the 14th player.” Huh?

Phone Call: What do you think of the difference between Adria and Natalie?
Lynette: Adria has a bigger booty.
Marcellas: Natalie has more “ga-DUNG ga-DUNGS”.

Phone Call: Do you think the DNA twist is over after twin twist is revealed tonight?
The caller says “the rumor on the feeds is that Diane and Scott are married, and Scott will return and be the twist.” Marcellas starts laughing hysterically, and says, “But…But...he called her “Trailer Trash!!” No, they don’t think Scott and Diane are married. Marcellas says, “If she were married to Scott, she wouldn't have put Scott up at all.”

Phone Call: Do you think Drew and Diane’s twins could come into the house too, unbeknownst to Drew and Diane? Marcellas says no. He says, “Aren't you tired of the twin twist by now? Heck, you can have a twin convention out in the back yard.” Marcellas and friends rehash the mysterious empty squares on the CBS website where they show the HGs pictures. Lynette says she thinks somehow the DNA plot will continue to twist until the last day. She says CBS has to keep this interesting.

Phone Call: What is the future of Reality TV? Is it here to stay?
Lynette: Totally here to stay.
Marcellas: As the format grows, it will get worse. We've already seen so much of the bad reality TV. There was the midget thing…
SRGG (protesting): That one’s good!
Marcellas: …and the Cupid thing, and .… (He looks at SRGG and laughs at her) You love anything on Fox!!
SRGG: Anything that resembles a circus performer, I’m in!
Marcellas: You must be loving The Amazing Race this season!
SRGG: Shut up.

Tune In Tomorrow For….
SRGG: Tomorrow we'll be here with either Scott or Marvin…
Marcellas: Talk about Dumb and Dumber!….

Comments on "House Calls -- August 5th"


Blogger TVJ said ... (6:31 PM) : 

Ohhh..if the Mike interview is still online .. you gotta watch that one. Marc talking about having seen Boner's Playgirl stuff .. and it ain't all that .. ohhhhhh.. priceless.

These are great Tuna .. You RAWK!


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