All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Thursday, August 21, 2003

TUNA NEWS -- AUGUST 21, 2003

Jee and his Goodies
Jee gets his HOH basket of goodies from BB. Included is a CD of love songs and some sort of gift from his girlfriend. Jee says he knows now she is "still with him." Ali, meanwhile, cries and moans over her HOH loss. She says she wanted to get stuff from home, but even if she did, there wouldn't be anything there from Donnie.

Do The Twist
The twist has totally freaked out Ali. First she thinks it means somebody will win a car. Then she is convinced the twist means she'll be nominated and sent home. Hey...can there be an America's Choice for that? Ali says "the twist works" and then boards the Karma express to sequesterville by mocking the Chenbot's "Expect the Unexpected."

That's the Plan, Stan
Robert, Jee and Ali talk outside. Robert tells Ali the plan is to vote out Erika, but not tell her. They are to act as if they are going to vote out Jack. Robert wants it to be a big surprise on eviction night. The Stooges desperately want to be as cool as the O8 when they voted out Michelle, but it's just not gonna happen.

Robert has a Good Idea (See: Third Sign of the Apocalypse)
Robert tells Jee that they will tell Ali that they won't make any new alliances. Robert says they will tell Ali that Justin told them before he left, that he (Justin) wanted Robert and Jee to take Ali to the finals with them. Robert says they will keep mentioning Justin a lot and Ali will believe them.

First Course--Turtle Soup
The turtles have had enough of these morons and they are leaving. BB is going to close Egypt.

The World According to Jun
Jun tells Jack and Erika that when they go to talk to Jee, they should be "brutally honest." She says Jee is disappointed in Robert because he has to "carry him." She also says the Jee is "fed up with Ali." Jack asks if Jee might nominate Ali. Jun says maybe. Jun says she doesn't want Ali to make the finals because she (Ali) has "set the women's movement back 40 years." A large anvil with the words "I am going to cook my way to the finals." drops on Jun. THUNK.

Does Membership Come with a Decoder Ring?
Ali speaks to Jee. She is worried she will be put up if Veto is used, and then she will be evicted. Jee says she is safe if she promises she will keep Jee safe next week. Ali says yes. Jee says if Veto is used, he'll put up Jun. Ali repeats and repeats that she is not on "their" side anymore and he has to believe her. She asks "should let them know that I have officially joined you?" Jee says no, because then she'd be a target.

Mutual Admiration Society
Jee speaks with Erika and later with Jack. They are nice to each other, congratulatory. Respect their game playing blah blah blah but they are on two different teams blah blah blah Justin's eviction cannot be in vain blah blah blah take the higher road blah blah blah wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald blah blah oh wait. Scrap that one. Anyway, they are both told it will be a Jerika nomination, but Jee will not commit to who he would put up in case Veto is used. Says a lot depends on the "twist".

Jun Zings! Jun Scores
Jun talks to Jee. Jun makes some mumbly suggestion and Jee says "Robert would never go for that." Jun asks why would he have to know? Jun goes for the jugular and says it isn't Jee's game anymore. Jee says but it IS his team. Jun asks Jee "what does Robert want you to do?" Jee says it's not what Robert wants. Later, Jee recounts all convos to Robert. Robert is thrilled. He tells Jee "you did everything I thought you should do."

Useless Recapped Facts
Ali took off her bra because "it was killing her."
Jun ate one piece of chicken, but a "bunch of rice."
Robert says one of their dishes was supposed to come with vinegar, but it didn't.
Justin took half the condoms when he left. Ick.

More weight loss tips
Jack says his cheeks are sunken and he's weak. He tells Erika he can't believe he's lost all this weight because he eats a lot in the house. Erika says it's the stress. She says it raises metabolism and then burns muscle.

Make her Sweat
Robert and Jee admire themselves after working out. Jee prepares for the individual groveling sessions in the HOH room. Robert says he wants to see Jun sweat, and he wants to threaten her with a nomination if somebody uses Veto. Robert says "that's what she gets for fucking with the Dream Team."

How Big Is Yours?
Jack and Erika discuss the length of their ... key! Jack's key was turned the other way. Jack tells Erika the twist will be the revelation that Jack is a technician, and not a Hamster.

Things They Will Never Air on the TV Broadcast
Robert asks Jee about his meeting with Erika. Jee says she was very kind. Robert asks if Erika tried to make any deals. Jee says no, not really. She cried a little. Robert says "Good. She's a fucking scumbag. She should cry."

Smoke Gets In Your...Ass?
Robert does a huge number on Jee. "You are the first guy to win it (HOH) twice. You're money! You're going to be one of the most popular guys! People are rooting for us! The Dream Team! The Dream Team!"

Get out that Decoder Ring Again
Justin leaves a super secret message under the covers of the bed. Some Uno cards spell out "DT" What could it mean? Robert goes off that it means "Dream Team" and Justin left this cool message. I thought it meant "dumb twits."

Even more useless recapped facts
Ali saved coupons for Brownies and then gave them to Justin so he could use them when wrestling season was over.
Nate had never eaten rice before coming to the BB house.

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