All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Friday, August 08, 2003


Scraping the Bottom of the Recapping Barrel
Robert drinks something out of a red can.
Jee has a green can.
Jun is eating something.
They are talking.

Nate wants to take his ball and go home
Nate says he has changed his strategy and he isn't going to practice for Veto competitions anymore. He never feels competent that he will win any competitions. He says the DR is trying to pump him up and get him excited.

Peel Me a Watermelon
The Stooges practice Quoridor in the LR for tomorrow's POV competition. Jun feeds them watermelon and honeydew while they practiced.

Bible Study Night
Nate is reading his Bible again. Ali plops down with the elephant and asks him what part he's reading. He says Revelations. He asks her if she knows anything about Revelations. Ali says "tell me the good parts."

Swing Your Partner Round and Round
The DS plus Ali tease each other about boyfriends, girlfriends and flirting. Ali tells Jee he only tried to makeout with her twice when he was drunk. Jee says no way, even when he's drunk, he's a fucking gentlemen. Jun says Jee is a sleezeball. She says you can see it in his eyes. Justin says Ali is on the market. Ali denies this. Robert asks "don't you want a boyfriend in the house?" Justin says Amanda is fucking hot. Jee reminds Justin Dana hated it when he said that. Justin says Dana was jealous. He says "I have commitment issues, Jee. So do you." Jee claims he used to, but not now.

Was this on the questionnaire?
Ali asks Jun if she has ever slept with a boy inside her. Jun says no, its gets soft and falls out. Nate is generally horrified by the conversation. Jun asks Nate what size he prefers. Does he like a handful? Nate says he isn't a boob guy, but the girl needs to be at least a C-cup.

Parting Shots
Jee "We're not looking too bad right now." (If you close your eyes and run head first into a brick wall)
Nate "What are you thinking about?" Ali "About you chewing that gum like a cow."
Erika "Our strategy is never win any competitions and always get put up on the block. That's how we'll win. Nobody will ever suspect us.

Newflash from the TMI Department
Ali goes on and on ad nauseam about Justin. She tells Jee that she knew all the girls Justin had sex with before her. Jee asks if Justin was wild in bed. Ali said nope, kinda boring. She is the wild and kinky one. She said she was at a party at Justin's house and saw a piece of paper that said "World's Dirtiest Dude." She said there were two names, and the third was Justins. She said she thought to herself "I'm about to have sex with the worlds 3rd dirtiest dude."

Oohhhhh, Ahhhhhhh
Jun continues her mind-numbingly unfunny Herbal Essences impersonation while she exercises. The world is saved as BB calls her to the DR. To yell at her for being stupid. If only.

FOH Interruptus
Ali tells Erika that Jun is sitting pretty right now and she (Ali) is going to "sink her teeth into her." Ali changes the subject and tells Erika that one of the BB producers is "hot". Erika says "today I was in the DR and some guy...." FOH. damn

Justin is called to the DR. Skippy is stuffing he face with Krispy Kremes for the 90th time today, so the camera stays with Justin for quite awhile. Justin says "Horrible timing dude, horrible." DR voice says "I'm sorry man. It was either down to you or..." FOH. damn

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