All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

TUNA NEWS -- JULY 22, 2004

Pickings are pretty slim these days here at the Tuna News. But, never fear, I've dredged up some bits for your Thursday reading pleasure. Did anything happen overnight? I won't spoil the answer for you, so read and find out!

Joker's Updates

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again
Scott is the king of Deja Vu. He claims that he was in the house years ago, and keeps talking about how weird it is. Karma takes off his Mike Boogie baby blue basketball costume and giggles quietly in the corner.

Delusional 500
Who wins the race for the most delusional? You make the call!
Scott: "Diane digs me. She'd never put me up."
Cowboy: "I've come in 3rd place and then in 2nd place in the competitions. It's obvious that I'll win tomorrow.
Jase: Brad Pitt has the "it factor". He and Scott have the "it" but its just not developed yet.
Scott: "The three of us [Scott, Jase and Drew] are better looking than all the other reality shows put together.

Hat and Hurry
Cowboy says if he wins HoH, Marvin is GONE. Cowboy would put up Diane as a pawn. Scott says he wants Marvin to go up. He says if a girl wins HoH they'd put up Marvin too. Either way, Marvin is gone.

Close = Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
Jase says he was almost chosen to play Brad Pitt's body double.

Desperately Seeking Comebacks
Jase just said he thinks next week will be life and death for him.
I choose death
Scott now claims basketball is his best sport and he plays every day at home.
A hoop on the garage does not an NBA Superstar Make
Jase says he feels good about tomorrow. "You know how you feel good about something? I feel good about tomorrow".
But the question is, how do you Really Feel?

Nothing More to Say
The four idiots talk about wearing the same thing for the live show....maybe bow ties.
cue the crickets
Holly: "boring....boring....boring..."

More nibbles from TV Clubhouse

And a Bottle of Rum
Holly thinks Marvin looks like a pirate. She says she could see him with a parrot and singing 'yo ho ho'...

Calling Irene Cara
Holly tells everyone she went to a Performing Arts High School.

Ya Think?
Jase says that Holly's problem is that she wants everyone to like her. Unlike oh, say....Jase. Or Scott. Or Cowboy....

Scott says he is going to get in the hot tub because he hasn't had a bath in two days. Later, Marvin asks Jase (because Jase and Scott are, you know, bathing together), "Did you get him to wash his ass?" Jase replies, "I gave him that spongy thing."

A Barbie Girl in a Barbie World
Hamsters speculate whether or not Jase and Holly will be together outside the house. Holly says if he can handle Pink Barbie-land and her cats, fine. But if he can't handle her lifestyle....

Cowboy: "I don't know about y'all ... i'm ready for tomorrow to be over with ... and the next day .. and the next day ... "

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