All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Friday, September 10, 2004

TUNA NEWS -- AUGUST 10, 2004

Eleven days and counting. That's all that's left of the BB5 hamsters. With Karen gone, what will Cowboy, Nakomis, Drew, and Diane -- the girl most hated in all the world -- do to pass the time?

First it's best to check the final schedule. The next eviction will be Tuesday, September 14th, immediately following a live Power of Veto Competition. On Friday, September 17th the last houseguest is evicted, leaving the fate of the final two to be decided by the jury on Tuesday, September 21st. Then....we rest. And return to Apprentice. And Survivor. And...

Shaddup Already
Diane goes into drama overdrive after Karen is evicted. She is sure everybody hates her. She knows it. She is going to eat worms. She is going to suffocate herself. She is going to hang herself. Nakomis offers to cut her down....eventually.

Shaddup Already
Diane tells BB she is ready for her close-up now. No. She tells BB she needs to go to the DR so she can vent about how people "should leave the game." Diane would never be mean like Karen was. Diane would be happy to go. Diane would hug everybody. Diane would kiss everybody. Diane was taught to be sensitive to what others are feeling. Except, evidently, live recappers, because Diane refuses to shut up.

Try, Try Again
Diane tells Cowboy she tried to throw the HoH competition so he would win. Cowboy says it's ok. He says Drew's ego just got in the way. Drew's Ego must be a euphemism for Cowboy's Ineptitude. Later, Diane, Drew and Cowboy agree that they will all have to go "balls out" for the final HoH competition. Anatomy issues aside, Cowboy tells both of them to be sure to let him win it.

Drew tells Cowboy he is going to hang around Diane a lot this week, because he doesn't want her and Nakomis to get together. Drew says he doesn't want Diane to "freak out."

vs. Spy
Nakomis, Diane and Drew sit outside. After Nakomis goes back inside, Diane says, "How long before Cowboy comes out here?" Drew says, "About 30 seconds." Sure enough, Cowboy ambles outside 30 seconds later.

The Little Table of Doom
During a long outdoor lockdown, BB replaces the kitchen table with the tiny table of impending sequester. When Drew is finally allowed to see his HoH room, Diane tells Cowboy and Nakomis, "let's pretend we don't care when he comes outside." The HoH spoils aren't that exciting 3rd time around, but do include a box of strategic-flavored Cheese Nips and sequesterlicious Gummy Bears.

BB Parannoys
Diane gets into bed with Drew (after telling her she can sleep there so long as she realizes it is a "privilege") and sings Psalm 666 entitled, "Lord, Everybody Hates Me." Diane say, "Six people are going to tear me up with questions." This is an interesting statement off the bat, because a. It assumes that Diane will be in the final two, and, b. It assumes that one person will really like her and not "tear her up." A wee bit optimistic on both counts, I think.

Last Words
Drew: (To Diane) "The people in Antarctica hate you. The people in the South Pole hate you."

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