All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

Friday, July 23, 2004

TUNA NEWS -- JULY 23, 2004

It's another rather skimpy day here at the headquarters of the Tuna News. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, let's see what's out there today. First, from Joker's Updates

Calling the Grammar Police
Karen: "I need to treadmill some things out."
Cowboy: "Diane could be a help or a hinder."

Caught Pink-Handed
Diane finds her pink bandanna in the sink, cut in half. She approaches Scott and says, "I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but is that my bandanna in the sink? In two pieces?" Scott defiantly says, "No!" Diane says, "It's my bandanna. It's the only pink one in the house," and then leaves. Scott immediately starts in on the swearing and the name-calling, and he says he hates her. Adria pops her head in and says goodnight. Scott mutters, "Now I have to go apologize to her. For cutting up her bandanna."

You Sunk My Battleship!
The four idiot horsemen discuss idiot horsemen type things. They all agree (amidst much fist pounding, no doubt) that the conversation must stay in the HoH room and not leak out to anyone. Jase immediately goes out and tells Holly everything, adding she must not tell anyone, because the four idiots agreed not to tell.

Shopping List
The hamsters were instructed to come up with five more general food items to add to their food list. They added lobster, sushi, soup, baby-back ribs and....TV Dinners.

Depends on Your Definition of "It"
Scott says, "People see me walking down the street and go, 'Man, that guy has it together!'"

Actual Strategy
The best strategist in the house? Adria. She spends some time with Drew in HoH, complimenting him on his game-play ("I see you playing it. It's how I would probably play it...") and his values (I know your values. We have the same values and same beliefs"). She throws in a little Bible for good measure ("There is a passage in Psalms about courage"), and reinforces the fact that it is a game. Finally Adria advises Drew to gather individual opinions from the house, but ultimately the decision is his and his alone. She skillfully plays Good Cop/Bad Cop by first telling Drew he is a good person, but then throwing in the fact that the decision will reflect on him and his family. She ends with a dose of humility ("I don't know if that helps you...") which draws information from Drew (That is what I will probably do, but I don't know if I will have the time...)


TV Clubhouse

Chernobyl Revisited
Karen talks about Drew and the upcoming nominations, saying, "I wouldn't care what he does as long as he is
making his own decisions and is not contaminated."

Ironic, Isn't It?
Holly mentions something about her tan. Marvin chimes in offering some advice and then says..."a brother trying to give a white chick advice about a sun tan..."

Cute. Cuter. Cutest
Looking over Drew's HoH pictures from home, Scott tells him, "Me and Jase were talking. You look 10x better than your [identical twin] brother. You totally got the genes. He looks like Average Joe, you look like Abercromby."

Laughing on the Outside, Crying on the Inside
Drew and Holly talk about the BB house now the Lori has left. Drew says he teared up when she was leaving. Holly says she held back because she had heard rumors that Lori didn't like her and she wasn't going to cry over someone who doesn't like her. Holly says she "didn't didn't want to look like an idiot, crying and if she didn't like me but I was sad inside."

Drew and Holly finish their HoH conversation.
Drew: Do you want a Gummy Saver?
Holly: No, she can't eat them because they contain gelatin.

Drew and Diane have their HoH conversation.
Drew: Do you want a Gummy Saver?
Diane: No.
(.....later in the conversation...)
Diane: I hope we can cuddle later.
Drew: Probably not.
(.....she should have taken the Gummy Saver...)

Food Strategy 101
Karen tells Diane she is going to make a pie. Diane says, "While you're at it, poison it."

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